You can stop worrying as your workplace is now even safer with this coverage!
You can spend your energy on your work, focus on your responsibilities and new investments without worrying about risks.
Scope of Coverage?
1-) Fire, lightning, explosion •Internal Water, Storm, Landslide, Removal of Debris Expenses,
2-) Strike, lockout, disorder, civil commotion, malicious acts and terrorism
3-) Fire Financial Liability(tenant’s, neighborhoods’’, owners
4-) Temporary alternative business place expenses,
5-) Business Interruption,
Optional Additional Coverages:
a-) Earthquake and volcanic eruption,-Flood or submersion, Landslide, Snow weight,
b-) Watercrafts Collision,
c-) Glass breakages,
d-) Theft,
e-) Personal Accident,
f-) 3rd Party Financial Liability,, - Employer’s Legal Liability, Legal Protection
g-) Fidelity guarantee, cash in transit,
h-) Electronic Equipment Machinery Breakdown,
i-) Loss of rentÂ